Polar Code Inspection Campaign

The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) requires all addressed parties to ensure that ship's procedure and measures in place with respect to the Polar Code are checked in details for compliance during the Polar Code Inspection Campaign, which will be held by Paris MOU from 13 June to 1 July 2022 (the first period) and from 1 August to 19 August 2022 (the second period).
Actions required from Owners/ISM Operators during the Inspection Campaign for vessels trading in Paris MOU:
- Owners/Operators to determine the level of compliance with the requirements of the Polar Code.
- Owners/Operators to create awareness anongst ship crews and ship owners regarding the importance of compliance with the provisions of the Polar Code, the increased risk to ships operating in polar waters and the protection of the vulnerable polar environment.
- All Vessels currently trading within the Paris MOU - ISM operators need to contact the Master in order to complete the following questionnaire to be used by PSCOs. The complete questionnaire needs to be submitted by the Owners/ISM operators to the Flag Administration not later than 12th June 2022. Owners/Operators should submit the attached questionnaire duly signed/stamp by Master to IMMARBE Technical Department (technicalservices@immarbe.com).
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