
Ban On Contacting The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea

United Nations Security Council adopted their Resolution No. 2371 which states that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall not supply, sell or transfer coal, iron, iron ore, seafood, lead and lead ore to other countries. Belize as a member of the UN follows its instructions and resolutions and is mandated to ensure that all vessels registered with Belize (IMMARBE) adhere to the Resolution.

Please be notified that any Belize registered vessel reported to be calling North Korean ports transporting or delivering goods in violation of the UNSCR2371 will be immediately de-registered from Belize Register.

For more information please contact our Designated Office:



+38 (0552) 415304

+38 (0552) 415305


registry@immarbe.com.ua  - for vessel registration matters;

stcw@immarbe.com.ua       - for officers certification matters.


Best Regards,

Marine Safety Management Ltd.

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