
Coronavirus Temporary Measures

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, IMMARBE assumes temporary measures concerning the operation of the Technical Department, i.a. implementation and enforcement of some IMO Instruments.

IMMARBE Technical Department will grant extension on mandatory surveys and audits (SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, ISM, ISPS, MLC, 2006 etc.), dry-docking extensions up to May 31st, 2020. Such requests shall be submitted by the Recognized Organization in charge of mandatory certification supporting this extension. These Organizations, on the other hand, shall force definite procedures and requirements to be followed on board in order to keep the vessel in  good standings during this period.

As soon as World Health Organization declares that the pandemic is finalized, the temporary measures will be ceased to be valid and the period extended if the situation remains.

For more detailed information, you may see the relative circular or contact us if you have any queries:



+38 (0552) 415304
+38 (0552) 415305

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