
New System Of Processing Endorsments

We are proud to announce that from May 2019 E-Cert’s process implementation came into effect. The new process of issuing Endorsements will allow delivering Officer’s Endorsements on Belize vessels even faster as all the OEs are to be printed in DR’s Offices.
As a matter of security many new features were added to this system:

  • The use of a QR code was implemented for the immediate verification of our documents by Port state Control officials. This feature is placed at the bottom center of the certificate.
  • A random ID number will be applied to all OEs. This is a random number generated by the system which should assist in the prevention of the falsification of the documents. You may find this feature on the top right corner of the certificate.
  • Additional security features can be found on the back of the Security Papers issued. 

To obtain Belize Endorsement, please send copies of you documents to e-mail stcw@immarbe.com.ua

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Designated Office:


+38 (0552) 415304

+38 (0552) 415305

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